Turbidity sensor (turbiditets sensor)

  • 22,49 €

Turbiditets sensor detekterar vattenkvaliteten genom mätning av grumlighet. Denna sensor används huvudsakligen för att testa vattnets grumlighet.Principen är at

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Article Number: 305

Turbiditets sensor detekterar vattenkvaliteten genom mätning av grumlighet. Denna sensor används huvudsakligen för att testa vattnets grumlighet.
Principen är att omvandla den aktuella signalen till spänningsutgången genom kretsen.

Turbidity sensor detects water quality by measuring level of turbidity.
The principle is to convert the current signal itself into the voltage output through the circuit. 
Its detection range is 0%-3.5% (0-4550NTU), with an error range of ±05%F*S. 
When using, measure the voltage value of sensor’s Signal end; then work out the water’s turbidity by simple calculation formula. 
This turbidity sensor have both analog and digital signal output modes. 
The module has a slide switch. When slide the switch to A end, connect the signal end to analog port, can read the analog value to calculate the output voltage so as to get the turbidity degree of water. If slide to D end, connect signal end to digital port, can detect the water whether is turbidity by outputting HIGH or LOW level. 
You can turn the blue potentiometer on the sensor to adjust the sensitivity of sensor. 
Turbidity sensors can be used in measurement of water quality in rivers and streams, wastewater and effluent measurements, sediment transport research and laboratory measurements. 


  • Operating Voltage: DC 5V
  • Operating Current: about 11mA
  • Detection Range: 0%--3.5%(0-4550NTU)
  • Operating Temperature: -30℃~80℃
  • Storage Temperature:-10℃~80℃
  • Error Range: ±0.5%F*S
  • Weight: 18g

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