BBC micro:bit sense pack, with edge breakout, several sensors

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OverviewRemember the compass and accelerometer on micro:bit? They give micro:bit the ability to detect motion and direction, how interesting and useful. Need mo

I lager.
Article Number: 178


Remember the compass and accelerometer on micro:bit? They give micro:bit the ability to detect motion and direction, how interesting and useful. Need more amazing skills? Maybe sensing the temperature, the humidity, the ultraviolet, or the sound, maybe detecting the flame, soil moisture, maybe emitting an infrared beam to detect obstacles on the way... All in this micro:bit sense pack.

By the way, you should never worry about running short of IO pins, we also provide an edge connector expansion board, make it easier to connect more peripherals to the micro:bit.

The micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit is an open development board that allows you to run code on it and have access to all of the hardware.

You can use your BBC micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless. This little device has an awful lot of features, like 25 red LED lights that can flash messages. There are two programmable buttons that can be used to control games or pause and skip songs on a playlist. Your BBC micro:bit can detect motion and tell you which direction you’re heading in, and it can use a low energy Bluetooth connection to interact with other devices and the Internet.


  • Nordic nRF51822
    • 16 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller
    • Bluetooth® 4.0 low energy/2.4GHz RF SoC
    • 16kB RAM
    • 256kB Flash
  • Freescale KL26Z – 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU
  • Compass – Freescale MAG3110 3-axis magnetometer, I2C interface
  • Accelerometer – Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer, I2C interface
  • Power connector – 3V power supply
  • Reset button – reset the system
  • Micro USB connector – for connecting PC, download code, serial communication, etc.
  • 5x5 LED display – 5x5 LED grid
  • Button A/B – programmable buttons
  • I/O connection pins – 5 I/O rings and 20-pin edge connector, including SPI, UART, I2C, Analog, PWM, etc.
  • Dimensions – 5cm x 4cm

The Edge Connector Breakout

Edge Breakout for micro:bit is an expansion board designed to breakout the I/O pins of micro:bit to 2.54mm pitch pinheaders for easy use.

The Sensor Kit

UV Sensorultraviolet sensorultraviolet tester, outdoor ultraviolet detector, germicidal lamp
Temperature-Humidity SensorDHT11 temperature and humidity sensorambient temperature and humidity detection
Flame Sensorsensitive to flame spectrumfire detection, fire fighting robot, fire alarm
Infrared Reflective Sensorreflective infrared transceiverrobot path tracking, obstacle-avoiding car, pipeline counter
Moisture Sensorfork-like soil moisture sensorauto watering system, flowerpot soil moisture detection
Rotation Sensordetects clockwise/anti-clockwise rotationspositioning in Industrial Controls
Sound Sensoronboard audio power amplifier LM386ambient sound detection, sound level detection

Development Resources

Wiki :

Weight: 0.12 kg

Shipping package 

The micro:bit is delivered in random color.

  1. BBC micro:bit x1
  2. Edge Breakout for micro:bit x1
  3. UV Sensor x1
  4. DHT11 Temperature-Humidity Sensor x1
  5. Flame Sensor x1
  6. Infrared Reflective Sensor x1
  7. Moisture Sensor x1
  8. Rotation Sensor x1
  9. Sound Sensor x1
  10. USB type A plug to micro B plug cable x1
  11. 3-pin custom connector jumper wire x3
  12. 4-pin custom connector jumper wire x3
  13. 5-pin custom connector jumper wire x1