Keyestudio Raspberry Pi Pico 24 in 1 Sensor Learning Kit

  • 699 kr

The Keyestudio Raspberry Pi Pico 24 in 1 sensor kit mainly contains 24 commonly used sensors/modules, the Raspberry Pi Pico board,the Raspberry Pi Pico expansio

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Article Number: 1107

The Keyestudio Raspberry Pi Pico 24 in 1 sensor kit mainly contains 24 commonly used sensors/modules, the Raspberry Pi Pico board,the Raspberry Pi Pico expansion board and Dupont wires.The 24 sensors and modules are fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi Pico shield. You only need to stack the Raspberry Pi Pico board onto the Raspberry Pi Pico shield, and hook up them with Dupont wires, which is simple and convenient.To make you master the electronic knowledge, detailed tutorials (MicroPython), schematic diagrams, wiring methods and test code are included. Through these projects, you will have a better understanding about programming, logic and electronics.


Projects for Micropython

Project 1: Lighting up LED
Project 2: Traffic Light Module
Project 3: Button Sensor
Project 4: Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
Project 5: Tilt Module
Project 6: Reed Switch Module
Project 7: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 8: Active Buzzer
Project 9: 8002b Audio Power Amplifier
Project 10: RGB Module
Project 11: Potentiometer
Project 12: Sound Sensor
Project 13: Photoresistor
Project 14: NTC-MF52AT Thermistor
Project 15 Thin-film Pressure Sensor
Project 16: Joystick Module
Project 17: SK6812 RGB Module
Project 18: Rotary Encoder
Project 19: Servo Control
Project 20: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 21: IR Receiver Module
Project 22: DS1307 Clock Module
Project 23: TM1650 4-Digit Tube Display
Project 24: HT16K33_8X8 Dot Matrix Module
Project 25: Breathing LED
Project 26: Button-controlled LED
Project 27: Alarm Experiment
Project 28: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 29: Speaker Module
Project 30: Rotary Encoder
Project 31: Rotary Potentiometer
Project 32: Sound Activated Light
Project 33: RGB Module
Project 34: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 35: IR Remote Control
Project 36: Comprehensive Experiment

Projects for Arduino

Project 1: Lighting up LED
Project 2: Traffic Light Module
Project 3: Button Sensor
Project 4: Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
Project 5: Tilt Module
Project 6: Reed Switch Module
Project 7: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 8: Active Buzzer
Project 9: 8002b Audio Power Amplifier
Project 10: RGB Module
Project 11: Potentiometer
Project 12: Sound Sensor
Project 13: Photoresistor
Project 14: NTC-MF52AT Thermistor
Project 15: Thin-film Pressure Sensor
Project 16: Joystick Module
Project 17: SK6812 RGB Module
Project 18: Rotary Encoder
Project 19: Servo Control
Project 20: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 21: IR Receiver Module
Project 22: DS1307 Clock Module
Project 23: TM1650 4-Digit Tube Display
Project 24: HT16K33_8X8 Dot Matrix Module
Project 25: Breathing LED
Project 26: Button-controlled LED
Project 27: Alarm Experiment
Project 28: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 29: Speaker Module
Project 30: Rotary Encoder
Project 31: Rotary Potentiometer
Project 32: Sound Activated Light
Project 33: 6812 RGB Module
Project 34: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 35: IR Remote Control
Project 36: Comprehensive Experiment

Projects for Rapberry Pi Micropython

Project 1: Lighting up LED
Project 2: Traffic Lights Module
Project 3: Button Sensor
Project 4: Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
Project 5: Tilt Module
Project 6: Reed Switch Module
Project 7: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 8: Active Buzzer
Project 9: 8002b Audio Power Amplifier
Project 10: RGB Module
Project 11: Potentiometer
Project 12: Sound Sensor
Project 13: Photoresistor
Project 14: NTC-MF52AT Thermistor
Project 15: Thin-film Pressure Sensor
Project 16: Joystick Module
Project 17: SK6812 RGB Module
Project 18: Rotary Encoder
Project 19: Servo Control
Project 20: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 21: IR Receiver Module
Project 22: DS1307 Clock Module
Project 23: TM1650 4-Digit Tube Display
Project 24: HT16K33_8X8 Dot Matrix Module
Project 25: Breathing LED
Project 26: Button-controlled LED
Project 27: Alarm Experiment
Project 28: PIR Motion Sensor
Project 29: Speaker Module
Project 30: Rotary Encoder
Project 31: Rotary Potentiometer
Project 32: Sound Activated Light
Project 33: 6812 RGB Module
Project 34: Ultrasonic Sensor
Project 35: IR Remote Control
Project 36: Comprehensive Experiment


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