NodeMcu Lua WIFI utvecklingsbord

  • 10,88 €

ESP8266 är ett mycket integrerat chip utformat för behöven hos en ny ansluten värld. Den erbjuder en komplett och självständig Wi-Fi-nätverkslösning, så att den

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Article Number: SKU47

ESP8266 är ett mycket integrerat chip utformat för behöven hos en ny ansluten värld. Den erbjuder en komplett och självständig Wi-Fi-nätverkslösning, så att den antingen kan vara värd för programmet eller att ladda alla Wi-Fi-nätverksfunktioner från en annan applikationsprocessor.

NodeMcu Lua WIFI IOT Development Board Baserat på ESP8266 med CP2102 eller Ch340 Chip

NodeMcu: Anslut det enkelt, det är ett open-source firmware och utvecklingspaket som hjälper dig att prototyper din IOT-produkt inom några få Lua-skriptlinjer.
Arduino-liknande hårdvara IO:
Avancerat API för hårdvara IO, som dramatiskt kan minska det överflödiga arbetet för att konfigurera och manipulera hårdvara. Kod som arduino, men interaktivt i Lua script.

Nodejs Style Network API:
Event-driven API för nätverksapplikationer, vilket underlättar utvecklarens skrivkod som körs på en 5 mm * 5 mm stor MCU i Nodejs-stil. Snabbt påskynda din IOT-applikationsutvecklingsprocess.

-USB-TTL ingår plug & play
-10 GPIO, alla GPIO kan vara PWM, I2C, 1-tråd
-FCC CERTIFIED WI-FI-modul, PCB-antenn

NodeMCU with ESP8266/cp2102 Wifi Development Board

The NodeMCU with cp2102 Wifi Board is an all-in-one microcontroller + WiFi platform that is very easy to use to create projects with WiFi and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. The board is based on the highly popular ESP8266 WiFi Module chip with the ESP-12 SMD footprint. This WiFi development board already embeds in its board all the necessary components for the ESP8266 (ESP-12E) to program and uploade code. It has a built-in USB to serial chip upload codes, 3.3V regulator and logic level converter circuit so you can immediately upload codes and connect your circuits. This board contains the ESP-12E chip with a 4MB! flash memory so no worries for your long project codes!

The ESP8266 NodeMCU with cp2102 development board - a true plug-and-play solution for inexpensive projects using WiFi. The module arrives pre-flashed with NodeMCU firmware so just install your USB driver. The NodeMCU is an open-source project and you can find all the design files and so on from their github page.This microcontroller board can easily be programmed using the Ard IDE programming software.


Specifications and Features of Node MCU

· 11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-APESP-12S

· Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack

· CP2102 Serial / USB Chip

· +19.5dBm output power in 802.11b mode

· 4MB Flash Memory

· Integrated low power 32-bit CPU

· SDIO 1.1 / 2.0, SPI, UART

· Dimensions – 49 x 24.5 x 13mm

· Integrated TR switch, balun, LNA, power amplifier and matching network

· Integrated PLLs, regulators, DCXO and power management units

· On board USB to serial chip to easily program and upload codes from the Ard IDE

· Embeds logic level converter circuits

· Has on board 3.3V regulator to ensure enough power to function as your go-to WiFi chip!

· Easy access to the GPIO pins for easy prototyping

· ESP-12E Processor

· Easy to use breadboard friendly form factor

· Voltage Regulator / Converter, excellent DC to DC conversion, super efficient

NodeMCU Lua firmware

If need to use the At commands ,come to download the latest AT firmware. 

ESP8266 full IO port, ! Set of ESP8266 Development tools!

most important is that all hardware and software are open-source Original Factory NodeMCU esp8266 Development Board CP2102 Chip Wifi Module Test BoardAi-Thinker Original Factory NodeMCU esp8266 Development Board CP2102 Chip Wifi Module Test Board