LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit include R3 Board with LCD1602 IIC with

  • 40.31 EUR

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit includes R3Board, LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3Component list:5pcs Yellow LED 5pcs Green LED5pcs Red LED 1

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Article Number: 677

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit includes R3Board, LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3

Component list:
5pcs Yellow LED 
5pcs Green LED
5pcs Red LED 
1pcs RGB Module
2pcs Photoresistor
1pcs Tilt Switch
5pcs Button
1pcs 1 digit 7-segment Display
1pcs 4 digit 7-segment Display 
1pcs Sound Sensor Module
1pcs LCD1602 Module ( with pin header) 
1pcs Active Buzzer
1pcs Passive Buzzer 
1pcs LM35DZ
1pcs RTC Module
1pcs DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module 
1pcs Potentiometer (10k)
1pcs Joystick Module 
1pcs 5V Relay Module
1pcs  R3 Controller Board 
1pcs 830 Tie-Points Breadboard
1pcs Servo Motor (SG90) 
1pcs Stepper Motor
pcs ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board 
1pcs Remote
1pcs 65 Jumper Wire 
1pcs Water Lever Sensor 
1pcs USB Cable
1pcs 9V Battery Connector with DC
1pcs RC522 RFID Module
1pcs 8*8 Dot Matrix
10pcs Resistor (220R)
10pcs Resistor (1K) 
10pcs Resistor (10K)
10pcs Female-to-male Dupont Wire
1pcs CD with Totutial

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit/Learning Kit include R3 Board,LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit/Learning Kit include R3 Board,LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit/Learning Kit include R3 Board,LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3

LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit/Learning Kit include R3 Board,LCD1602 IIC with Tutorial for Arduino for UNO R3