Embedded System Development Kit with Raspberry Pi

  • 98.66 EUR

This Kit is composed of Makerfabs Raspberry Pi embedded system Development Platform and 8 Makerfabs Mabee modules, for lite application prototyping based on PI.

I lager.
Article Number: 1076

This Kit is composed of Makerfabs Raspberry Pi embedded system Development Platform and 8 Makerfabs Mabee modules, for lite application prototyping based on PI.

The Raspberry Pi has been used in a wide array of digital maker projects, and there has been a huge amount of Raspberry Pi expansion/hats on the market, to help users learn/use the Raspberry PI in applications. This Makerfabs Embedded system development platform could the most special, for make it true for the users creating an embedded system application with PI, suitable for lite PI applications.


This platform based on Raspberry Pi Zero-W, it has an SPI 3.2" display with touch. The "SPI" means it does not use the Raspberry PI HDMI display, that you can also connect it to a normal PC display with HDMI, for dual-channel displaying, suitable for lite/mobile applications; There 2 pcs on-board MEMS MIC and speaker, for applications that need voice interface; There also A/D convertors and Mabee(Grove) interfaces for infinite applications, to make this platform a good choice to projects prototyping.

Makerfabs prepared all the modules’ drivers based on C or Python, users can easily check the detailed usages/Demo applications, and integrate/transplant them to users own applications easily.


  • Raspberry pi zero W, 1GHz single-core CPU, 512MB RAM, Micro USB OTG port, Mini HDMI port, CSI camera connector, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth
  • 3.2inch display, 320x240, ili9341 driver with SPI
  • Resistive touch screen, XPT2046 controller
  • Speaker
  • 3.5mm audio jack
  • Stereo Codec with Class D Speaker Driver: WM8960
  • MEMS Mic*2: AOS3729A-T42-NXC
  • Hardware expandable: I2C port, GPIO port, UART port
  • ADC port:ADS1115
  • Type-C USB power or battery power
  • Support chargeable and 1A Maximum charging current
  • Overcharge and over-discharge protection
  • Size: 94mm*80mm*24mm

Parts List:

  • Raspberry PI Embedded system Development Platform(Pi Zero W) with Case
  • Mabee_Temperature& Humidity DHT11
  • Mabee_Button
  • Mabee_Relay_10A
  • Mabee_Slide Potentimeter
  • Mabee_WS2812_12bit
  • Mabee_Servo SG90
  • Mabee_SGP30 Air Quality Sensor Breakout - VOC and eCO2
  • Mabee_HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Measurement Module

Usage Guide: